Most of us make them and if we are honest we probably end up back sliding! So this year I have decided instead of listing all of my faults I am going to tackle one that I think hurts me more then any of the others. If I can change this one thing it will make me a much better person.
I am going to work on NOT HOLDING GRUDGES. Now I don't get upset over every little thing that comes along only the things I really care about that actually bother that narrows it down a bit...LOL....I don't want yall think I'm just a big grudge holder because really I have a bad memory and I forget a lot of stuff. I am wishing that by practicing not holding grudges can become habit forming to me. So the first step is going to be forgiveness....first myself because it has to start with me and then others who I think are the reason I harbor bad feelings/grudges.
OK so far so good! I hope everyone who makes their resolutions can stick to them especially me!
Happy New Year! Hugs BeCca
Spring Strawberry Baskets
We are getting so close to Spring! I have Strawberries for sale in my
They are made with quality cotton fabrics...
1 week ago