Newly Designed for one Fabulous Facebook Fan / Liker to win ~ 10 x 24 .007 mil clear mylar reusable stencil My Drawing will be NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ I hope yall like it ♥ as much as I do!! It is also available for purchase at the harbor
SPECIAL Stencil for a 4th of July Drawing ~This is a Big Beautiful 12x24 .007 mil clear mylar reusable stencil Designed by me ~ TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS DRAWING YOU HAVE TO LIKE FOLK ART FROM THE HARBOR FACEBOOK PAGE and leave a comment under facebook post ~ I will choose a winner from the comments left and the drawing will be on the 4th of July ~ Good Luck! Folk Art From The Harbor On Facebook
Hello Everyone I am so looking forward to Summer I have so many projects that I started last year that I need to finish and am waiting for warmer days so I can sand and stain stuff. Life here at the harbor is always busy from very early in the morning til late at night I just want to throw out a little reminder that I am on the West Coast and even though we live in the same great country we have 4 time zones and mine is Pacific Time, please try and remember this when calling me at zero clock in the morning. I have a few new designs listed for Halloween & Christmas and a Special Drawing for Memorial Day held on Memorial Day. Please visit my facebook business page and leave a comment under the post to be included in the giveaway. Stencils are all .007 mil clear mylar reusable and can be found at
Hello Everybody! I just designed a new stencil for my facebook fan / like page drawing. To be included in this drawing you have to LIKE me on facebook. Look to the right of my blog and click LIKE on my Facebook Badge. The Drawing will be on March 1, 2012 I will post on your wall and or send you a message if you are my winner ♥ This stencil is approx 12x24 .07 mil clear mylar reusable stencil. It is available for purchase at the harbor Folk Art From The Harbor
Spring Cabbage Bunny
Hello! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so looking forward to Spring! We are currently covered in about 6” of
snow and extreme cold!
I’ve been busy creatin...
Farmhouse Fun
My son was lucky enough to be able to rent a farmhouse that was built in
the late 1800s. It still has some of the original charm mixed with some
really bad...
Christmas Past!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.
We had a wonderful one here at the Martinsen's - a house full of 16 of us!
The dinner table was out to the longe...